Tuesday, January 19, 2010

5,300 New Species Identified

5,300 New Species Identified

5,300 New Species Identified

Many octopuses evolved from a common ancestor that lived off Antarctica more than 30 million years ago, according to a ‘Census of Marine life’ that is seeking to map the oceans from microbes to whales. Researchers in 82 nations, whose 10-year study aims to help protect life in the seas, found a mysterious meeting place for white sharks in the eastern Pacific Ocean and algae thriving at -25 degree celcius in the Arctic.

“we are approaching a picture of the oceans from microbes to whales,” said the team leader of the census of 2007-08 findings by up to 2000 scientists. The $650 million census is on track for completion in 2010 assessing about 2,30,000 known marine species. The researchers identified 5300 new species.

Among the findings, genetic evidence showed that the tentacles of the octopus family pointed to an Antarctic ancestor for many deep sea species. A modern octopus called adelieledone in Antarctica seemed the closest relative of the original.

“Octopuses spread around the world after Antarctica became covered with continent-wide ice sheet more than 30 million years ago, a shift that helped create oxygen-rich ocean currents flowing north. Isolated in new habitat conditions, many different species evolved, some octopuses, for example, losing their defensive ink sacks-pointless at perpetually dark depths”, census said.

Other findings showed that white sharks travelled thousands of kilometers to spread six months at what researchers called, “white shark CafĂ©” in the pacific between Hawaii and California. During this period, both males and females make frequent repeatitive dives depths 300 metres. The purpose is unknown, but may be linked to food or reproduction.

Mapping the ocean is helping researchers to work out how to protect marine life from threats including overfishing, pollution and climate change. The census could help identify areas needing conservation.

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