Rabbit, Hare and Guinea-pig
The common rabbit and hare were previously included in the same genus Lepus but W. N. Parker placed these under two separate genera on the basis of the structure of caecum. Rabbit belongs to genus Oryctologus and here to Lepus.
The common here, Lepus Europeans is found throughout Europe except northern Russia.
Another species Lepus timidus is found in Ireland, some part of Europe and sometimes also in Japan. Lepus americanus is found in America. Lepus crawshayi and Lepus whytei both are found in Africa.
Oryctolagus was first found in Western Europe and Africa. Dispersal of this animal to different parts of the world took place by human agency. Domesticated rabbit is found in many places of India. By inter and cross breeding various varieties of rabbit have been produced. Some of these are white, some are black or spotted.
Cavia procellus (guinea-pig) is a kind of herbivorous terrestrial mammal which assembles rabbit. This is generally used in various laboratories of India for study purposes. Cavia is a small mammal found throughout India. It differs from rabbit in the following characters-
(i) Neck is smaller than rabbit
(ii) Pinna is smaller
(iii) Eye lashes are absent
(iv) Tail is absent, represented by only a small root.
(v) Fore-limb with four and hind-limb with three clawed digits.
Group-Craniata (vertebrata)
Species-O. cuniculus
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